Download Film My Afternoons with Margueritte (2010) | 21studio

SINOPSIS-My Afternoons with Margueritte adalah cerita tentang pertemuan acak kehidupan. Di kota Prancis kecil, Germain, seorang pria hampir buta huruf di 50 tahunnya dan dianggap idiot desa dengan teman-temannya di bistro lokal, mengambil berjalan ke taman dan satu hari terjadi untuk duduk di samping Marguerite, sedikit tua wanita yang membaca kutipan-kutipan dari novel dengan keras. Dia mengartikulasikan, sangat cerdas dan lemah. Antara Germain dan Marguerite, ada 40 tahun dan 200 perbedaan pound. Germain terpikat oleh hasrat Marguerite untuk hidup dan keajaiban literatur dari mana ia selalu merasa dikecualikan. Sebagai Marguerite memperluas pikiran melalui membaca kutipan dari novelnya, Germain menyadari bahwa dia lebih dari seorang intelektual daripada yang pernah ia membiarkan dirinya. Menghabiskan sore membaca dengan suara keras di bangku favorit mereka mengubah hidup mereka dan mulai mereka berdua di perjalanan baru - untuk melek huruf dan menghormati Germain, dan persahabatan yang terdalam untuk Marguerite.
EN-My Afternoons with Marguerite is the story of life’s random encounters. In a small French town, Germain, a nearly illiterate man in his 50′s and considered to be the village idiot by his friends at the local bistro, takes a walk to the park one day and happens to sit beside Marguerite, a little old lady who is reading excerpts from her novel aloud. She’s articulate, highly intelligent and frail. Between Germain and Marguerite, there are 40 years and 200 pounds difference. Germain is lured by Marguerite’s passion for life and the magic of literature from which he has always felt excluded. As Marguerite broadens his mind via reading excerpts from her novel, Germain realizes that he is more of an intellectual than he has ever allowed himself to be. Afternoons spent reading aloud on their favorite bench transform their lives and start them both on a new journey — to literacy and respect for Germain, and to the deepest friendship for Marguerite.
Informasi Film My Afternoons with Margueritte (2010)
Release Date: 16 September 201
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Gérard Depardieu, Gisèle Casadesus and Maurane
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Total Size 450 Mb (.mkv)
Quality: BluRay 720p
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